Friday, June 28, 2013

Equity Issues in Technology

So this week was about technology and equity issues in the classroom. I guess many people do not realize the importance of providing adequate access to students when dealing with technology. Almost everything done now is electronic with some sort of technological piece, whether it is a cell phone or computer. There are the schools that do not have the budget to provide maximum amounts of technology for every student in the school but I have learned that there are state and government grants and awards that provided additional funding for schools. These extra funds are important to schools because it helps them to compete with other schools who already have the funds by helping to bridge the technology gap due to finances and also even socioeconomic status. I mention socioeconomic status because we all know that there are some students who do not have the access to technology in their home, or if they do it might not be as up to date as the school setting. So schools that are up to date with the technology as well as professional development with teachers definitely provides greater opportunities for all students to be successful not only during school but also out in the workforce or college. 

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